I'm thinking of resurrecting this blog. I've been sitting on it a bit and posting elsewhere, but I think this might be an opportune time to dust it off and add some content.
So, first off, if you are looking for the patches or the slides from 'The Safety Dance: Wardriving the 4.9ghz Public Safety Band, they can be found on Github here: https://github.com/OpenSecurityResearch/public-safety
I think we're going to keep poking at it a bit as there may be a few more interesting things to find there. The nice thing about this line of research is it's something you can pull out each time you go to a new city, you never know what kind of cool networks you may find ;)
Secondly, Defcon was really a blast. I think the best part (other than speaking, which was surreal) was meeting the other speakers and having some really cool conversations about each others research. It's humbling to realize how smart some of these guys are, but the truly amazing part is how they treat you as an equal, which I suppose is even more humbling ;)
The other really awesome part was the discussions we had at the Q&A session after the talk. The guys who came to it truly love wireless, and some were wicked talented as well. To the dude who reversed the app for the RFID cards, can you ping me please? I'm trying to figure out which business card is yours and I'm terrible with names. Also, thanks to the other fellow who clued us in on some really useful 4.9ghz infos.
Anyway, check this space for more blathering shortly. With BH/DC being over and me (finally) being home for a little bit, I'm really feeling re-energized and looking forward to new research, so I'll post as much as possible.